The post below and the heading/picture combo at left have more than a passing acquaintance with each other - viz: The Irrational, clause 1, sub-clause i. - but really, I just wanted to use the heading.
Chuck Klosterman's article at Grantland is a top read, but should be a must-read for any TV executive in Australia:
When it's come to sports, it's live ... or it's totally dead
Why is watching a prerecorded sporting event less pleasurable than watching the same game live?
It doesn't matter how much I sequester myself or how thrilling the event is — if I know the game has finished, it's difficult to sustain authentic interest in what I've recorded.
It is different when you support one of the teams in the recorded match. And here in Australia - especially Western Australia where the blackout has been an item of faith since at least 1987 when Wet Toast joined the then VFL - we have become inured to the concept of delayed telecasts by cynical Official Broadcasters all-too keen to bilk their viewers to maximise their revenue streams. What is undeniable, though, is that often on Friday Night Football I check the score at half time, then go to bed.
To the good person at Twitter who put me onto Grantland, and who I now can't find, hats off.
Posted by: Tony | 06/17/2011 at 03:20 PM
... ummm... Eddie Cowan, to whom I just mentioned Grantland. Bit embarrassing, me.
Posted by: Tony | 06/17/2011 at 03:34 PM
AFL confirmed that the camera used was installed by Abraham Zapruder... footage clearly shows Guerra's head "goes back, and to the left".
Posted by: TKYCraig | 06/20/2011 at 11:28 AM
The grassy ..... ?
Posted by: Tony | 06/20/2011 at 11:39 AM
It's the same with Sunday afternoon games in Country WA. The game starts at 2ish, the telecast (which is larded with Basil and Belly trying to be tiptop analysts - boring as batsh*t) starts at 3. I start out listening to the radio, then start to watch the telecast. At quarter time and half time I hop up to check the real score on the radio. If the Eags have lost, I turn off the teev and do the ironing. If the Eags have won, I sit down in deep and suspense free contentment to watch the rest of the game.
Has Yobbo been in contact in the last few days Tone? Just wondering.
Posted by: os | 06/21/2011 at 01:39 PM
No, he hasn't. Why, he's not coming to Melbourne, is he? I'd better inform the authorities.
Posted by: Tony | 06/21/2011 at 10:20 PM
After the belting the Dees handed the Dockers I mean.
Posted by: os | 06/22/2011 at 12:30 PM
Nothing much to say. The Dockers never bothered to turn up.
Posted by: Tony | 06/22/2011 at 01:03 PM