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Big Ramifications

Privately-owned German media giant Kirch Gruppe has its pen poised over the TV rights contract for next year’s soccer World Cup competition.

The rights, previously in the ironclad grip of Swiss sporting rights firm ISMM/ISL, slipped into limbo after it plunged into bankruptcy.

Big Ramifications

KIRCHPAY TV, whose subsidiary owns broadcast rights to this year’s World Cup, has become the latest part of Germany’s Kirch Group media empire to file for bankruptcy, submitting an insolvency petition to a Munich court.

Kirch Media, founded by 75-year-old media magnate Leo Kirch, became Germany’s biggest corporate failure since the Second World War after it could not meet its debts.




Will they sort out their SD v HD issues?

Unless 7 can get the anti-siphoning issues sorted they will be stuck on SD broadcasts. They are well behind on the technology and it certainly shows in 2011.

I am completely hooked on channels 203-205.

Hangover Black

I joined up in 2002 when Fox got the rights (and had FoxFooty Channel). And I'm still paying 9 years on. There is the small matter of having access to the cricket which for me means money well spent.

I have heard that if you call Fox bluffing (or not as the case may be) that you think it's a waste of money and threaten to disconnect, they offer generous discounts to the standard rates. Anyone tried similar?


The fact that Fox is going to telecast all quarters live without ads including the simulcasts is a massive win, and surely must have Seven gnashing their teeth. If you have Fox, why are you ever going to watch Seven? Once others cotton on to the lurk, FTA will bleed viewers to cable; at least, that's the theory.


I've become a fan of Marngrook, on ABC2 thursday night. It's simple and honest and they love their footy. All the "bros" they go on with grate a bit, but I can live with that. I laughed my head off when they interviewed Graham Johncock a few weeks ago, calling him "Stiffy" throughout. Yes, well, my sense of humour hasn't developed past primary school level.

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