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Colin Campbell

My wife, who does not follow football was interested in all the hype with this. Where is the lie she asked? Fucked if I know I said. Carry on.


Does bringing up Churchill and WW2 constitute a Godwin? I vote yes.


Stop being sensationalist Teach, it's "... before truth gets its boots on."
You have been corrupted by lip reading those foul-mouthed Collingwood people.


All is not lost, you can still fight them in the Bluchers.


Not according to the Oracle, Google:

Pants: Results 1 - 10 of about 145,000

Boots: Results 1 - 3 of 3

Or were you just making a gag about Porkies Malthouse and his Chinese whispers? "I was talking to my players" which became "I said pest" which became "I'm sorry" which became "I did it for the good of Mick Malthouse the game."


What I said was whatever puts me in the best light!
Hmmm, funny about that google, I did actually think it was boots ...
The bluchers bit was rather good you must admit.


Aha!! “A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes” Mark Twain

I claim precedence.


Results 1 - 10 of about 66,900

I claim prevalence.


My mum used to say "diamonds aren't as big as bricks".


I'm thick as a diamond.


Shine on you crazy brick.

Rob de Santos

Bricks are a girl's worst friend.

Big Ramifications

Pants?! Are you serious? It was so obviously wrong I thought you were twisting the quote for comedy reasons.

Could you really imagine Winnie saying "pants"?

re: The Mark Twain thing, I did a straw poll in my head just then and I reckon Winnie is right up there in the old "misattribued quotes" stakes. Him and Albert Einstein. I've got a sneaking suspicion Albert Einstein didn't say 75% of his quotes either.

Where was I? Oh yeah. Stay out of my booze!


Apparently, and this may dismay his fanboys and girls, Paul Keating was a quote pincher, too. Can't remember which ones, but. "Spine looking for a shiver to run up, maybe? You'll have too ask TimT.

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