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What puzzles me is why anyone would spend a grand or so on a night of toot when for far less, you could enjoy all those symptoms just by holding a Demons season ticket.


Don't worry - I tick all the boxes.


In fact, speaking Demons, not only do I tick all boxes, I lie awake with a headache having second thoughts about the tick, get up, try to turn the tick into a cross, but think that looks dodgy, then rub out the scruffy cross/tick with one of those old round, rough typewriter rubbers and end up with a ghastly hole in the page.


15 dot points. Maybe you can lose money as you descend, start off with agitation and panic for $100, Eddie, and then lock in cerebral atrophy for the million?


Tony Did your eagle eye spot TWO "tick all the boxes" in the Hun today?
Count them
Tick tick


Chalk one up for the journos. Scott Gullan & Daryl Timms on where Virus Fevola might lob: "Sydney ticks a lot of boxes, given it has become an expert in turning around bad boys following the success of Tony Lockett and Barry Hall."

There's also more cocaine in Sydney than Melbourne.

I've heard.

And one for a club official. Woosha on Bender Cousins: "Once Benny ticked every box, it was so important for him to get back to work, because routine in our lives is something that is crucial for the habit forming that we have, and I think it is crucial for Ben in his state."

Phew. I needed a map to find a way out of that second sentence.


I reckon Grant Thomas is to blame for all the ticking crap
Rod buttersss has his phone number
Call him
And Danny Frawley is the yeah-no man


Danny Frawley is THE Yeah-No man.

Elsewhere at the Hun, Terry Wallace and Dermot are bound to be box ticking types. I can't say categorically, mind, but the research I've seen points to their involvement on the night. It's just that for discretionary reasons, legally speaking, I ... hang on ... I just got mixed up with the Didak business.


You are not making sense
Situation normal


Thank you. You are too kind.


I have never had a reduced appetite. A propos of nada (they should employ me somewhere as a commentator)


Another lot of boxes ticked in the Hun today
Can you find it Tony?


I ticked all of the above and now I have a tic myself.


TC: I've never had impaired think....

Chris: Mark Stevens. "[Nathan Foley] ticks the three big boxes."

Wick: Does that make you cross?


The funny thing is that all those things are also symptomms of "old age".

The moral of the story is, whether you snort coke or not, you're fucked. So you might as well snort it if you've got it.

nick cetacean

Hmmm, looking down that list, I can't really tick any of the boxes. Except sexual dysfunction, of course.

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