Oaf update! Melbourne crime guru Andrew Rule skewers the Magpie spin, then adds:
"This year it has been the Eagles in the news for the wrong reasons, but now it might be Collingwood's turn. Even before the Didak scandal settles down, another could be looming in Magpie land."
Wonder what scandal he means. Apart, that is, from yet another footballer having a lend of us with a 'prepared statement' masquerading as an apology.
PS: Any chance Ben Cousins will ever get his lawyer to prepare a statement over his appalling crimes against fashion? Especially that hat.
Posted by: nick | 07/01/2007 at 07:28 PM
Didak, Cousins, Kerr, Gardner ... the longest yard 2007?
Posted by: nick | 07/01/2007 at 07:30 PM
Don't forget Tarrant's arse.
Posted by: Tony.T | 07/01/2007 at 07:57 PM
I can't believe that Ben Cousins has a duty free bag...coming back from rehab. Says it all. As for Tarrant - I think he was genetically engineered by that chap from South Park - to have 5 arses - one in the normal position, one on his shoulders, one as his agent, another as his advisor, and a spare for his coach to kick each week.
Posted by: nick | 07/01/2007 at 08:51 PM
nick, unbelievably enough, that picture of Ben toting duty free was taken at LAX on his way OUT of Australia.
Here's Ben on his triumphant return to the Eagles nest this morning. What say the fashion police on that one?
Posted by: Gareth | 07/02/2007 at 03:00 PM
It's obviously a crossover outfit, in which Ben will be sartorially suitable for the gutter, the club, and the back alley.
Posted by: nick | 07/03/2007 at 07:22 AM