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Tony Tea

Digital. Rectal. Examination.

Big Ramifications

EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE [??!?] Please don't tell me that's the new slogan for having a date examination. Complete with matching blue inflatable clappers. Nothing would surprise me.

Only a few years back they tried the "Real Men Spread 'Em And Cop A Rogue Finger Up The Coit" angle. Y'all remember those adverts?

Tony Tea

I had the full prostate examination in 2011. Worse than a finger up the gonga was waiting around fretting about the worst case biopsy results.

Big Ramifications

Cop a load of the heads on these two, willya. It's like Warnie and Liz, but the Pamela and Jason Voorhees version.

Got sent an email this morning from a buddy. Can someone confirm that The First Handbag, Tim Mathieson, suggested in a speech: "if yer gonna have your date examined, ya may as well get your rocks off and have a pretty young Asian bird do it."

Me ruv you rong time, Tim. You farking goose.

Tony Tea

Tim's comments are the thrust of my post:

"We can get a blood test for it, but the digital examination is the only true way to get a correct reading on your prostate, so make sure you go and do that, and perhaps look for a small Asian female doctor is probably the best way."

AW has the audio: PM's Partner makes bizarre 'Asian Doctor' gaffe.

First time I've heard him speak. Did not sound at all how I imagined him. Sounded as if he was floundering and tried to bail himself out with the joke.

How long after Gillerd exits the Lodge will she give Tim the elbow?

Big Ramifications

"How long after Gillerd exits the Lodge will she give Tim the elbow?"

Kekeke! Bonus unintended laughs for me, thanks Tony.

An ELBOW was a bit of an in-joke, meaning lesbian. And we all know about the rumours, hey wot? It has its etymology from "lesbo" which morphed into "L-bo" and then "elbow".

Full term being ELLEN ELBOW. I'll let you work out the "Ellen" part. And no – not the famous elbow talk show host Ellen.

["kekeke" is Korean for "hahaha" - get some lerning upya]

Big Ramifications

I'm mesmerised by this post, Tony. So many levels.

** I like the sash. Tim is the Mayor of "Copping It Up The Date For Your Own Good". Tim looks resplendent in his sash.

** Gotta have the corporate branding for a PROPER charity, if ya want celebrities and other helium heads involved. Blue sash. Blue clappers. Blue slogan background. Just like pink with the girls and their bewbie cancer fund.

** EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE. Surely you can't be serious? What in God's name does that mean, exactly? You've ganked that photo from a non prostate photo op. Surely?

** I did a Google related image search and came up empty handed. But I did get a few laughs with Google's suggestions. Greek flags. Obama. Seattle Seahawks.

Tony Tea

The photo is from the PM's XI match today.

Big Ramifications

Cheers! Still doesn't answer my EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE question.

I'm dyin' here.

Big Ramifications

Oh, and I see that's not a sash. Bugger.

I liked the sash.

Tony Tea

Looks like a sash, but it's actually an implement of insertion.

Tony Tea


Big Ramifications

We know.

// I'm not obsessed!

Tony Tea

It's fortunate for you that you don't get bogged down by minutiae.

The Don has risen

Yes i have had the ful ltest as well.

I see PC has come to this blog.

for shame for shame



All downhill for rap after those boys.

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