Is there a cricket fan who does not approve of Brett Lee criticizing Dave Gilbert? And yet, even though Gilbert is the one who has done a shit house job running cricket in NSW, Lee is the one who gets cited for conduct unbecoming.
Mind you, which is it? The headline says Cricket NSW, the first paragraph says Cricket Australia:
Cricket NSW report Brett Lee for attack on CEO Dave Gilbert
Brett Lee says he is looking forward to defending comments he made calling for Cricket NSW (CNSW) chief executive David Gilbert to be sacked instead of coach Anthony Stuart for the poor performances of the Blues over the last 18 months. Lee was today charged by Cricket Australia for allegedly breaching rule six for unbecoming behaviour and rule nine for detrimental public comment.
Under the code of conduct, players must not bring the game into disrepute or be harmful to the interests of cricket. Lee was reported by CNSW following an interview in Sunday's The Sun-Herald.
wait for it. bignoting oneself.
I played with and against Gilbert in Shires cricket before he went to Sydney and actually predicted he would play for Asutralia.
okay bignoting finished.
Thank you
Posted by: The Don has risen | Friday, December 28, 2012 at 04:00 PM