Fat Cat falls into line:
Ritchie apologises for luncheon [convention and phone - TT] comments
''I have spoken at sporting functions for nearly 30 years. I have never intended offending anyone in those speeches, nor have I knowingly offended anyone.''
''If I offended anyone in my speeches at the Brisbane Convention Centre last week, or at my two speeches at the Gabba and the two subsequent very short phone calls with journalists, I am extremely sorry.''
Nor have I knowingly offended anyone? Except for the two journalists who he obviously told to get stuffed, or words to that effect. Mind you, the phone calls were also obviously private, so did the "offended" journalists threaten to report the call?
No thought to going with "Fat Pussy"?
Posted by: @tkyc | Thursday, November 15, 2012 at 09:50 AM
Did not want to over do it.
Posted by: Tony | Thursday, November 15, 2012 at 09:53 AM
I had more respect for him when he was refusing to apologise. Notwithstanding the classic sporting non-apology apology above.
Posted by: SaggyGreen | Sunday, November 18, 2012 at 11:38 AM
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