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Many, many, many people have found me unlikeable, and nearly as many have found me to be the complete fvckwit. But, you know, I've never had a problem with myself so I guess that means everything's allright then.

Come to think of it, actually, I quite often feel like I'm the cock of the walk and everyone can't but help love me! Cock-a-doodle-dooo!

F. Leghorn

You're doing a lot of choppin', boy, but no chips are flyin'. 'Bout as sharp as a bowling ball. Thinks the Mexican border pays rent.


Looks like the boy genius is tryin' to show me up. Pay attention to me boy! I'm not just talkin' to hear my head roar.

The Don has risen

The Don was not a liable chappie until he emerged after the war.

I do not mind Australia losing afterall it does happen.

I would like the Umpires to remind each and every Captain they have the responsibility to uphold the spirit of cricket.
This works in Sydanee in Shires cricket


Tall Poppy Syndrome. Aussie cricketers are no more or less likeable than normal people who play cricket. They are just better at cricket, and that's why people dislike them.

The Don has risen

you can both win and lose with grace.
We find it hard to do either.
We led the field in this and unfortunately other teams have tried to catch up.

Big Ramifications

My mum is good at cricket.


I'm curious to know when the last time was that we lost without grace, by this I mean blaming the umpires/pitch/conditions/etc.
As for winning without grace, at a guess most people would say Wild Dogs '08 was the last time - from a personal POV any other team winning in those circumstances would have done the same thing and it wouldn't have been called into question. The opposing team may have felt hard done by due to some umpiring errors but there were no more there than any other test and as they say: "That's cricket."
Finally, if their post-match conference wasn't the very definition of losing without grace then I'm not sure what is.

Big Ramifications

I thought Ricky Ponting's post match comments regarding Lara beating Haydo's world record one of the most disgraceful, mean-spirited things I've heard [Australia wasn't involved in the game, but a journalist asked him about it].

And then not long after he went ahead and did exactly what he said "Australia" would never do [delay a declaration so an individual could reach a milestone].

Plus he looks like a 'tard.

Big Ramifications

Speaking of likeable. Brett Geeves' blog is a farking laugh riot.

I was fortunate enough to attend the Allan Border Medal a few nights ago - Let me run you through a few of the highlights/lowlights of the night from the eyes of a bogan i.e me..

Highlight No.1 - Darren Lehmann’s opening address - Wow!! Made a sexual remark aimed at on stage model Chelsea Butler, told Federal Sports Minister Kate Ellis she is the hottest MP in Parliament and was seen leaving the "After Party" at close (4:00am) - Bogan Ranking - All 5 spuds

No.2 - Fellow Bogans on Table 91 (Tasmanian rep table) stealing their table sign as a momento of their first time using cutlery.. Duval(Lutana/Port Adelaide), Butterworth (Bridgewater), Doherty (George Town), Coyle (South Launceston) - Well Done Gang, 4 spuds

No.3 - Hilfenhouse in a bow tie. The biggest bogan of them all in a bow tie. Playing for Australia has changed you Ben.. Remember your brickie days? Remember driving that VN Commodore with the fully sick spoiler and the sports exhaust .. the one that got stolen and burnt out... What about the gold stud in your ear? You've even lost your ability to play pool for money in pubs. I know deep down you remember. Sell your penthouse apartment that overlooks Bellerive Quay, and re find your "touch" from 06/07. 0 Spuds


Big Ramifications

The real highlight of the Pre Season tour came in the form of the high profile ground announcer for the Lismore Festival of Cricket... Lenny Pascoe.

Big Lenny's only flaw as announcer was that he neglected to research any of the players/coaches involved in the mini tournament. A reasonably important part of the job in my opinion. The last time I heard more um's, aaaahs and self correction was during Ben Hilfenhaus mid game interview with new Fox commentator Sarah Jones. Hilf was clearly put off by Sarah's piercing blue eyes and stuttered accordingly.

Lenny says... "With me for a brief chat is PKF Tasmanian Tigers coach and former quick Tom Goolies" Lets break this statement down. Tom Goolies real name is Tim Coyle. That’s a pretty big error in terms of holding a live interview over the PA system in front of 500 people. FORMER QUICK!!?? I understand that common sense isn't everyone’s cup of tea but come on Lenny. Have a good hard look at Goolies and tell me he is not a wicket keeper. He stands at not a centimetre over 156, that’s 4 foot 8 in old speak. Goolies was offered the ride on MP Rob Hulls in race 3 of the Cranbourne Cup, there is no way he ran down the hill at Bellerive and bowled rockets. Baffling...



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