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The reputed fly-in guest appearance in which Dildos Fevola interviews Mitchell Johnson's girlfriend's yellow underpants is just another scurrilous internet rumour.

Tone, I haven't been following AFL properly for awhile given my Northern Hemisphere bias and this might be an obvious question by consequence, but is it just me or have the Dees been rock-bottom for years now? What's going on? Isn't the whole point of the draft system that there's a natural cycle, and that teams come and go - witness the Weagles being white-hot for awhile, sort-of-good for awhile afterwards, kinda rubbish, REALLY rubbish, and now on the improve? Why isn't this happening for Melbourne?

Gnome is looking so robust he could soon be out of counselling and be able to cope with direct sunlight. A copybook rebuild Demons!

Carrot: Melbourne have been shit for three years, but before that they were ok. We bottomed out on purpose, too. All part of the grand plan. As RT points out - rebuild. In this case, a Rolls Royce, not a Holden Camira.

And in case I didn't make in clear, RT wrote the Gnomies. Hats off.

I see Euphoric Andre visited your loo just before you took the pic.


Andre could well be my cleaner? Is he an Indian?

Just fell over this blogpost which shows that grid-iron football started out very like Aussie Rules. Apparently it scared 'em and they scaled it down.
who knew? not me.

Well, I don't know about that, Brownie. Even back then Aussie Rules had rules. And a significantly lower death toll.

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