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Not sure crystal meth would be performance enhancing. Certainly agree that many sports administrators have a lot to answer for when balancing commercial considerations.

I do not, and cannot understand why recreational drugs are even tested for in sport. Neither that anyone should be shocked when it turns out that athletes, like most of the rest of us, have smoked the odd spliff or done the occasional line on a Saturday night. The furore that surrounded Andrew Johns' confession of taking ecstasy was case in point. The hypocrisy, and futility, in the thinking that because someone plays sport for a living that they should "set an example for the kiddies back home" is just plain stupid. Tell me when they're on 'roids - anything else, I'm not interested.

Not that that's addressing Tony's point of course - there are rules, but obviously different rules for different people. Mind you, if he had a clean sheet before, maybe they just believed him?

CM is an amphetamine and as such is performance enhancing. In the AFL if you test positive on game-day you cop the same punishment as you do for steroids, epo, etc.

I would go further than the AFL. Take Ben Cousins on nhis end of season holidays. By hoovering up great mounds of amphetamines in his time off he could do way more exercise than he could if he was getting a guts full of piss, and then come back with miles in his legs at the start of pre-season. Everyone says he is a running machine, maybe that was down to his off-season diet of drugs.

The ATP are dicks. Not that long ago Richard Gasquet tested positive for cocaine and then beat the wrap by saying he got it off the lips of a girl he kissed at a nightclub, and the ATP believed him.

What works best for blogging in the off season?

Lapsang Souchong?

I’ve never felt so alive, so hopeful — and I've never felt such energy.

"I'm seized by a desperate desire to clean. I go tearing around my house, cleaning it from top to bottom. I dust the furniture. I scour the tub. I make the beds."

I found that hilarious on a number of levels.

A mate of mine once asked "could there be anything funnier than seeing Keith Richards fall out of a coconut tree and land on his head?"

Probably not. But seeing Euphoric Andre clean his house would be right up there.

ps: Drugs are bad, mmmkay?

And to all you opinionated yobs who don't know your drugs... Yes, meth is a recreational drug. But you can bet your life it's a performance enhancer. Hell yeah.

Both as a training aid [as Tony mentioned above] but also on game day. Meth's little brother, speed, was one of the first performance enhancing drugs used in sport.

IIRC correctly, speed and arsenic was the drug cocktail of choice for Tour de France riders way back when Adam was a boy.

[waiting for some smartass to tell what drugs they used in the ancient Greek Games and trump me by a few thousand years]

"IIRC correctly"?

Ha ha!

The meth certainly improved Andre's cleaning performance.

You know how Andre used to do that cutesie, double-handed, blowing-of-the-kiss gesture after a big win?

I have no doubts "Slim" was on the receiving end of one of them after Euphoric Andre's cleaning performance.

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