Hands up those of you that thought I was gelding the lily, or telling a porky, when I wrote this back in 2003.
Now step forward for chastisement:
It was unforgettable: Bill not fitting the bill
BRAVELY venturing into the lion's den, Gretel Killeen is hosting the Logies on Sunday, the night of nights and fashion frights. Bill "Mr Movies" Collins, will be ushered into the Hall of Fame, bringing to mind the infamous "Bill Collins" interview on 3AW in 1992 that deserves its own place on the honour board. Greg Evans and Sam Newman were fill-in hosts on the brekkie shift and in a segment about TV, producer Jamie Wilczek, who went on to marry Ross Stevenson, got "Bill Collins" on the line. Evans, now a wedding celebrant and brekkie host at Shepparton's 3SR, chuckles when recalling that Mr Movies didn't know much about movies. When Newman asked his opinion about the Clint Eastwood flick Unforgiven winning the best-picture Oscar, Collins said: "The Unforgiven? I don't know - I've never seen the Unforgiven. I probably will go and see it." A stumped Evans said: "Bill, that surprises me. Do you normally wait for some time before you see the current movies? Collins: "Yeah, quite a while. It's a matter of finding a bit of spare time." The hosts cottoned on that something was wrong and an expletive was beeped out. Evans cracked up laughing, blurting: "Sam, you'd better take over." The Bill Collins on the line was the race caller - the Accurate One - and after numerous apologies, Newman asked: "The greyhounds, how are they going?" As they say in the movies, it's a classic.
In point of fact (excuse me for slipping in to commentator/pundit speak), I can even remember where I was when I heard the exchange: driving north on the Tullamarine Freeway, approaching the Pascoe Vale Road turnoff.
Posted by: Tony | 30 April 2009 at 10:56
Evans, now a wedding celebrant and brekkie host at Shepparton's 3SR. An Aussie TV and radio journeyman for certain. And Demons man of course.
Bill Collins richly deserve a Hall Of Fame induction / award. They should somehow let us know exactly when that bit will be on, so I can just watch that and not all the other dross.
Posted by: RT | 30 April 2009 at 12:18
It's something of a recurring motif in the Australian media: there's that famous clip of Tony Charlton interviewing the mother of Alan Rudkin, a challenger for Lionel Rose's World Bantamweight boxing title in 1969. The interview was not going well. Wrong Mrs Rudkin, as it turned out.
Posted by: Lad Litter | 30 April 2009 at 18:03
Greg Evans, of the dating show with the cardboard robot? Bloody hell, there's an 80's memory.
Posted by: carneagles | 30 April 2009 at 22:27
If radio ever get worried about mistaken identities they ought to get Nick Maxwell (the Collingwood captain) to do the interviews. He calls EVERYONE "mate".
About the only time I listened to pop music on the radio was in the 70s on 3XY. Greg Evans was their main man (as far as I remember).
The other day he was on some sort of chat telly with BJB and Turps.
Posted by: Tony | 01 May 2009 at 10:53
Why am I such a tool what was I arguing about?
Posted by: Big Ramifications | 02 May 2009 at 17:36
Was tempted to make mention of your luminous contributions, but in the end I hoped you would spot them for yourself.
After all, they pale next to your stunning debut comment.
Posted by: Tony | 02 May 2009 at 18:41
it's virutally impossible to ignore those gelded lilies...
there's no need to geld the lily, or gild it either.
Posted by: Bwca Brownie | 03 May 2009 at 21:36
Gelded lilies was my soft option. Gelded lowlies sounded a bit master-race.
Posted by: Tony T | 04 May 2009 at 09:38