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Wow! The AFL is close to dominating the planet. Three billion. Whodaeverthoughtitcouldhappen?

Typo. Should read "as read by an estimated eleventy bajillion people each minute".

The '3 billion' includes the entire online population of India ... because 'footy' is an alternate Indian word for 'cricket'.

Great song Autumn Almanac.

I forgot to include the part in the AFL press release which read: "Footy Almanac is Football's Blog of Blogs."

"From the dew-soaked hedge creeps a crawly caterpillar ... "

There are few better opening lines to a pop song.

Tony, I think there are many better opening lines to pop songs -- some are volunteered and discussed here: http://blogs.theage.com.au/noisepollution/archives/2008/04/please_allow_me.html?page=fullpage#comments -- but this one gets nary a mention.
But on a 1960s pastoral theme, how about Donovan's "Sunny days, while away the afternoon, cutting nettles that are hiding petals pink from the river drink".
I know Donovan is regarded as passé, but anyone who like the Beatles' White album should have a serious listen to Donovan's Hurdy Gurdy man LP, and hear where the Beatles were coming from. I recently read his autobiography, and while he didn't invent as much popular culture and rock music as he claims, he certainly was there and probably was more involved and responsible for most.

Sorry about all the tpyos and mipsselling in the pervious post, but you probably get the gsit.

I certainly agree with lebowski picking Live and Let Live by Love: "Oh the snot has caked against my pants, it has turned into crystal". There are a few other goodies, too.

But the fact there are no Kinks song intros is a very bad look.

Then there's Pearl Jam. Rotten apple, bunch, spoiled, etc. I might start my song about those gits: "We're still crap after all these years"

I would like to bid a fond farewell to AGB and thank you for putting up with my opinions over the past however long it is. I have decided that the good Professor has expressed as many opinions, and as many times as necessary -- and that a sabbatical (probably permanent) is in order.
I discovered your site whilst googl(y)ing, and could see its common sense straightway -- as many of its opinions echoed my own so closely.
I rolled into the discussions and have been nicely accepted -- so thank you from the now Emeritus Professor.
[Latin scholars may know that "emeritus" can be roughly translated as "clapped out" and "past its use-by date"]

That's a pity, Prof.

If this was a party I'd have to say something like "Shit, you don't have to go yet, do you?"

Oh, well. Adios and good luck with your projects.

[Latin scholars Someone may know that "adios" can be roughly translated as "go with Dios." That's Dios, plural, Ronnie James AND his eponymous heavy metal band.]

If only I could trim 2000 words off my drivel..

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