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What is the effect of mis-spelling "affect" in the first line of a blog post where typos are the subject matter?

The effect on me is great amusement. Maybe you were pressed-for-a-deadline?

It's rewarding to see public recognition for the subtle wordplay which constitutes just a small part of the finely hewn tapestry that is the AGB.

Although, to be perfectly Francis, I am quite disappointed you didn't spot the sly comicality contained within the substitution of "outraged indignation" for my "outrageous indignation", which was rather clever.

But only rather.

What is a double-choc Florentine?
I am a simple man.

I saw Woad Warrior. Awesome hour. Specially liked the dude in the mauve mo --- Nevertheless, if the following is too irrelevant, that’s perfectly understandable; yet, Christ the King is perfectly relevant if thou knowest where thou goest. God bless.

The double-choc florentine is the Whopper with Cheese (extra pickle) of chocolate biscuits.

Woad warrior? Mauve mo?

Christ the King would not approve of the colour clash.

Will try and keep a closer eye on your sly comicalities.

Not sure if you've tried another comicality with "hewing a tapestry"? Seems AGB is constructed with something sharper than an axe or chisel. Rapier wit perhaps?

Darn well spotted.

My artfully crafted "hewn tapestry" - quite impossible given any hewing of the tapestry would leave a tatty pile of rags and linty residue - was a slick witticism stitched out of the finest "sewn tapestry".

AGB: where the laughs never stop.

sports columnists?

I went over to The Guardian to bring back a link to Russell Brand's sport comment there, and was waylaid by this sport-result brilliance from Marina Hyde.
following the link will be worth your time.

Top column, and worth a post.

Thanks, A.

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