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Roll over Rioli and tell Jeff Farmer the news


The token Dockers supporter here in the office was moved on about nine months ago, so I have nobody to "commiserate" with. Damn shame, really.

More like tell Jeff Farmer to get f***ed.

Wiz should have stayed at Melbourne.

Dockers = funny.

Congratulations Tone. Looks like you got a touch of that Russell Crowe magic as well.

As a lifelong Carlton supporter who has been away from coverage of the game for a few years, let me say that Wonaeamirri is the best young prospect I have seen this millenium.
Talent to burn and a ton of guts. Don't let anybody poach him.
Except Carlton.

Pat: Saw Rusty on the TV after the Soufs game. Reminded me of me.

DIRM: Nice overstatement. But hands orf; you've already got Fast Eddie.

Soon to get homesick.

Chuck the sads.

Become Heavy D.

[U haff bin warned.]

ps: Russell Robertson for GG.

pps: Is that Travis Johnstone hiding in there with the nuff-nuffs?

ppps: If ya Google for Russell Robertson the first link is his bio for TVs mawvelous It Takes Two. I think there's a message in there for all of us.

Make sure he stays off the turtle when he goes home.

The turtle is in there with the nuffies.

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