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And raise your hand if you're not here.

I would comment, but being blind since birth, I'm unable to read this post.

It's forking wine from here.

errr (questions the seeming pointlessness of what I'm about to type)....but this blog seems not to like safari, or any other mac browser from time to time. Cue righteous indignation if this comment appears.

I deserved that, thoroughly.

No time to raise my hand, Gaz, I'm too busy listening to Tim's comment.

I use FF, Saggs, so my template is set to accomodate that particular browser. (Perhaps the Spev has FF and that's why it's forking wine at the plis hace.) It looks a little ragged in IE and I've never used Safari or Macs so I don't really know what's what with 'em. Nevertheless, I feel your indignation.

Looks fine in my browser of choice Opera.

But whatever browser I use the contents still seem full of shit. Can you do something about the coding on that?

Carry On Teacher.

My main problem is in formulating responses. Technology is fine, though I often blame it to hide my frequent spazzitude

This new code seems to work:

[fxhinvert]But whatever browser I use the contents are gold.[/fxhinvert]

Or this:

[spazzitudicator]main My formulating problem responses in is[/spazzitudicator]

I am ripping off both those lines of code. Expect to see them being resold on shitty websites (namely mine) for $19.97 each.

You need to add in [depink]Brisbane Window[/depink].

No comment.


nt recently hosted icc world cup div 3 qualifying matches.


this guy was the front page story on the nt news, for saturday's paper. i probably swear a bit too frequently in my rant but arh well, let me know what you think.

Five songs to ignore at your peril (pre-match or losing half time background music for rousing coach speach):

1) So What Ministry

2) Immigrant Song Led Zeppelin

3) Three Days Jane's Addiction

Segueway interlude -> Pretty Little Ditty Red Hot Chilli Peppers

4) Those Damned Blue Collar Tweekers Primus

5) The Blister Exists Slipknot

Introduction: "Gentleman...I hate you...your wife and children hate you...as a matter of fact unless you win today.....etc"

5 Post match songs (warning Will Robinson - these should never be played pre or during match, they are strictly celebratory)

1) Trouble with Dreams Eels

2) Alpha Beta Gaga Air

3) The Changeling The Doors

=> Break it Down for the enormity of the C'assion: An American Trilogy Elvis

4) Living for the City Stevie Wonder

5) Long Way to Go Alice Cooper

-> Laugh it up beer spray tune (and simultaneously next week's forewarning coupled with the above) -> Still Gonna Die Waylon Jennings

Having just reviewed the lyrics to each song above I declare that no team who plays and sings these songs in sequence can lose this year's comp!

I challenge all come'ers to come up with a better 5.

I'll pay American Trilogy, but knock your lists into a cocked hat:

Shuffle off to Buffalo - 42nd Street
You Can't Catch a Man with a Gun - Annie Get your Gun
America - West Side Story
Upholstery - Phantom of the Paradise
42nd Street & Reprise - 42nd Street ("Go out a youngster and come back a star!")

What about a list of post match songs when you've lost?

There's a post idea with particular reasonance for you Tony.

Also, did you know you can watch AFL highlights on TV in Crete? Clearly a lot more Cretans out there than we thought.

And yes, your comment thingy is fucked Tony. Otherwise you'd be reading this.

I've been listening to 42nd Street a great deal lately. Wouldn't playing 'Shuffle off to Buffalo' be more likely to irritate everyone concerned?

'Shadows on the Wall' would be an excellent post-match song when you've lost. And maybe 'Somewhere' from West Side Story.

Hi Tony, Does this not raise the issue that if you cant leave a comment, it could be rather hard to leave a comment that you cant leave a comment?

I'm thinking of hosting my own blog on a server what are folks feelings on typepad? To those that actually host their own blog, what would you have chosen if you could make the decision again?

Regards Aaron

Well, to be fair to me, Aaron, my comment contained trace elements of irony. Your blog takes ages to load, too. At least on this 'ere dial-up.

Tim: Just to set the record - or in this case DVD - straight, my "Shuffle" is from the 1934 fillum, which for me is easily the second best track.

Nabs: Crete can only be an AFL submission away from hosting the next draft camp.

A great losing song would be The Stones' Let it Lose. Well, almost.

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