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Right then Tone. Which poncy, sissified knock-kneed little twerp are you? Back row centre, just above the ice?

I'm the one in the back row with the most potential.

Trust me, from my perspective, you ALL could do with a large dose of go. Unless you consider "potential" as a very fetching set of ears.

In my case potential is hair, not ears.

A very nice toup it is too. Are you still the proud owner of this follicular fantasy?

Ahhhh, no.

Back row, third from the left is my guess. You look like you had some height advantage then.

That's me. I may have had a slight height advantage (SHA), but that was all. If I was to sum up my cricket ability I'd say I was OK at everything, but good at none. The Joe Scuderi of APS Under 13s.

The SHA might mean something during an MGS house match, but meant nothing against the likes of Koska, Burke Hall and St Kevs whose key players all looked as if they drove to U11s.

Good to hear of a real estate agent getting some of their own flack back at 'em .... and that little cricketer hasn't changed a bit, picked him straight off. god help him if that photoshop shyster Lord Sedgwick finds the pic though .......

Look above to comment six, B, and you'll see I got in first.

go saints , i need myself back on radio, who is liam pickering and grant thomas , they have got personalities of wet farts ........magic 693 with smokey dawson the chimp and myself...............lazar vidovic

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