A scholastic conversation:
Student 1: "Did you see the YouTube where the hybrid beat the Ferrari in a race?"
Student 2: "Bullshit."
Student 1: "It did. Straight down some drag strip in Europe."
Class: [The usual erudite and informed discussion.]
Jon: "It probably took a short-cut."
This post is flying.
Posted by: Tony.T | 05 June 2007 at 18:34
Keen afficianados of schoolroom drama may note the missing protagonist/anti-hero/minor hero/bit part/central character in the vignette above.
ref: To Sir With Love
Posted by: Francis Xavier Holden | 05 June 2007 at 20:57
Probably because the Ferrari, like all Italian cars, was sitting in a garage getting its spare parts loosened by an overpriced mechanic.
Posted by: Clem Snide | 11 June 2007 at 01:41
Or in a bedroom.
Posted by: Tony T. | 12 June 2007 at 15:00