There's this guy I know who's been a member of an AFL club cheer squad for thirty-five years. Lives and breathes his team. He hasn't missed a game since Round 8, 1973. He has a huge tattoo of the club's mascot on his chest. He has collected oodles of memorabilia, including every one of the club's football cards since the club entered the VFL. He named his son after one of the club's favourite sons. Not just Dick (Reynolds) or Hayden (Bunton) or Alex (Jesaulenko) or Jock (McHale) Bloggs, but the whole thing - Robert Flower The Teacher, for example. Not being completely obsessed, he left out the player's nickname. He revels in every bit of good press his club gets and vigorously scoffs at every bit of flack. He revels in every bit of flack the opposition cops and vigorously scoffs at every bit of good press. You might say he lacks perspective, or call him one-eyed, I call him relentlessly optimistic. A few seasons ago I asked him how his team was going to go that year. "Top four, for sure, Tone," he stated with absolute conviction. "With luck we'll snag the flag." They came bottom. Stone motherless.
He reminds me of CS.
Aye oop Ruddstoneworth.
Posted by: Simon | 04 May 2007 at 15:10
"You called our son 'Barnstonworth!"
"He's got another name."
"Yes... 'United'!! "
Posted by: Mark | 05 May 2007 at 03:43
Yeah. Fulham ARE going to beat Liverpool 5-0 tomorrow, and they ARE going to beat the drop!!
Posted by: Carrot | 05 May 2007 at 09:58
I blame the collapse of religion, the alienation of the workforce in our capitalist system and the pill.
Actually I'm not sure about the last one.
Posted by: woody | 06 May 2007 at 06:35
I too am what you'd call relentlessly optimistic about my team. I think you almost have to be, to keep going. I have been known to switch off current match coverage when we're going badly and whack in a video tape of a winning Grand Final instead.
Posted by: Lad Litter | 06 May 2007 at 18:55
The team I support have never won anything as exciting as a Grand Final - if we're losing live on the box I'll tend to simply whack off... passes the time.
Posted by: Mark | 06 May 2007 at 22:38
Hope this guy doesn't barrack for the Tigers.....
Posted by: RT | 07 May 2007 at 10:13
... or watch too many test matches. Would make for a long, hot summer all right.
Posted by: fm | 07 May 2007 at 12:27