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Aye oop Ruddstoneworth.

"You called our son 'Barnstonworth!"

"He's got another name."

"Yes... 'United'!! "

Yeah. Fulham ARE going to beat Liverpool 5-0 tomorrow, and they ARE going to beat the drop!!

I blame the collapse of religion, the alienation of the workforce in our capitalist system and the pill.

Actually I'm not sure about the last one.

I too am what you'd call relentlessly optimistic about my team. I think you almost have to be, to keep going. I have been known to switch off current match coverage when we're going badly and whack in a video tape of a winning Grand Final instead.

The team I support have never won anything as exciting as a Grand Final - if we're losing live on the box I'll tend to simply whack off... passes the time.

Hope this guy doesn't barrack for the Tigers.....

... or watch too many test matches. Would make for a long, hot summer all right.

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