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Gots ta know? Manningham Road.

Kudos on the pun.

Thanks, Pete.

How about that Demon draw? The Melbourne Rupert says it's the second worst, but I reckon it's pretty damn good. Not as good as Eddiewood's, mind, but they never are.

It's only a matter of time before somebody changes that to "Poo Painting". Go on Tony, get in there first.

I hadn't thought of that, but now that you mention it ... I should have photo shopped it.

Demons draw is not bad. But I can already pick the games that we should win but will drop due to softness and a lack mental intensity.

I see SBS has been listening to me....


I agree with the draw. The odd winnable Docklands game - great. No travel on the last round, which is a big'un. We always pants the Swans up there, so whoopee on that. WC and Freo in the West is fair enough, and we don't get the Crows at Footy Park, just Port. Happy with that.

And a fair whack at the G. Could be worse.

I know exactly what you're talking about.

Nick - SBS should be the sports broadcasting service and take all the sport the commercial channels don't want - including AFL in the northern states on a Friday night.

Sport, Sex, South Park....the 'S' can be anything except Subsidised.

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