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Headline says 'Star's heroin bust' but story says cocaine-based narcotics? Who's in charge of the drugs down there at the SMH?

"He pleaded guilty in March to attempted possession of cocaine-based narcotics."

That was another bust, Eminem. Here's what it says in today's Hun:

In March last year, he pleaded guilty to possessing cocaine. A warrant was issued for his arrest in December.

In 1999, Garrett was arrested in Los Angeles' MacArthur Park after trying to buy drugs from undercover police. In 1979 he crashed his Porsche while under the influence of drugs and alcohol, leaving his passenger paralysed.

He was charged yesterday. He has appeared in more than 30 films and released 10 albums.

Looks like he was something of a repeat offender. No news yet on whether he was charged for any of the films of albums.

Heh, there actually is a Macarthur Park. I wonder if it's really long and dreary?

And JUST WHO left the cake out in the rain?

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