Leif Garrett once said "If there is anything I would tell anybody in this profession, it is never believe your own press."
Did you know Garrett's breakthrough (for want of a better word) movie, Skateboard, was the first movie from writer/producer Dick Wolf? He of Lawn Order, Inc. Ever since Leif's been on the way down and Dick on the way up. Wonder when they crossed - mid eighties, perhaps? About the time of Cheerleader Camp, or as it was called in England, Bloody Pom Poms.
Headline says 'Star's heroin bust' but story says cocaine-based narcotics? Who's in charge of the drugs down there at the SMH?
Posted by: mission man | 20 January 2006 at 11:38
That was another bust, Eminem. Here's what it says in today's Hun:
Looks like he was something of a repeat offender. No news yet on whether he was charged for any of the films of albums.
Posted by: Tony.T | 20 January 2006 at 12:22
Heh, there actually is a Macarthur Park. I wonder if it's really long and dreary?
Posted by: carneagles | 20 January 2006 at 14:05
And JUST WHO left the cake out in the rain?
Posted by: Tony.T | 20 January 2006 at 14:10