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Well done. I was going to run with "The Fall of Baghdatis" but I lost my nerve. Pity the Poo didn't make the cut. "Scud Slams Baghdatis" or similar would have been sweet. (Well, apart from having to deal with the insufferable Poo actually winning a GS, that is.)

BTW, did you watch the presentation after the match? Forget Baghdatis not thanking his hot girlfriend, or the Federast breaking down - what the frig was going on with Bruce McAvaney's face? It seemed to be melting a la the climactic scenes of Raiders of the Lost Ark.

That's been going on for years, surely? Maybe it was just accelerated by the humidity.

'Pity The Poo' is also a good headline though unjust in so many ways.

The Federast? That's genius

I thank you.

What was he crying for??? He's got Slam trophies like they give away place-getter ribbons at a Little Athletics carnival... and it's not like his coach died or anything.


(Crikey! Was that 11 years ago?)

ps: Ditto on the McAvaney bonce comment. Laver’s bonce was looking pretty shabby, too – but he’s got a number of excuses. (Some of the heads on pre “Slip Slop Slap” retired sportsmen. Yikes!)

Dunno what is up with Bruce's face. Or is that down? It seems to be sagging off his head.

Federast IS excellent.

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