Anyone seen the Commonwealth Games Information Channel on Foxtel? It's grouse! An entire channel devoted to 24 hour advertising of what's on come March, everything from Athletics to Zimbabwe Sanctioning. So don't dawdle - add it to your Foxtel favourites now.
You will note I did not use the term 24/7. Draw your own contusions.
Posted by: Tony.T | 15 January 2006 at 16:28
OT: Any chance of a post with your considered opinions on the NFL playoffs?
Posted by: pat | 15 January 2006 at 16:31
Slightly OnT: I've been going thru the fox schedule re. NFL, and working out my own on friends and family with Fox who I'll be visiting in the next few weeks. Sadly, only one live game this weekend (tomorrow 8am) and it doesn't appear to get much better. What's the point in paying for something when the best you get is a 24/7 C'wealth games channel and English Soccer (snooze)?
Go the Colts!
Posted by: pat | 15 January 2006 at 16:42
As. It. Happens. Pat. I've just sat through swapping between Washington/Seattle and Denver/New England. I was wondering if I should do one on the NFL, but despite being an ardent watcher I don't see enough to offer a worthwhile contribution.
The Patriots had won ten in a row playoff games and were due a downer. They had one today. Everything that could have gone wrong did. Seattle looked OK, but it's hard to see either them or Denver going the whole way.
The betting would probably suggest the Superbowl champion will come from the Colts/Steelers game, but Chicago's defence seems settled and as is the case with Aussie Rules and the Rugbys, I maintain defence is what matters in the big games.
Posted by: Tony.T | 15 January 2006 at 16:43
Consideration enough. Totally agree with your point re defence.
Regular Season Defence:
2 -Panthers, 3-Skins, 4-Patriots, 6-Steelers (panthers 100 yards clear of Skins). Broncos, Seahawks and Colts don't make the top 8.
1-Steelers, 2-Panthers, 4-Patriots, 8-Skins.
On stats you'd have to say the Carolina Panthers. Nice for me since I'm in Panther country.
Carolina lost the Bowl to Patriots last year (32-29) and the Colts bowed out to the Pats in the AFC playoff. Steelers have been consistently in the playoffs for some time, the Colts 3 years running.
My tip - Colts over the Panthers in Superbowl only due to this season being the "fairy tale" season (Tigers and Swans).
Posted by: pat | 15 January 2006 at 17:52
Last time Chicago played Carolina they won 13-3. This at least means the Bears are capable of holding the Panthers. The game is also at Soldier Field and it's not very often a visiting team manages to win a playoff in one of the frozen cities. (The Colts will be happy The Partiots are out.)
If Indi win tomorrow they will play Denver at home next week and should win that. If they lose Pittsburg will play Denver in Denver and that would be even-money. If Chicago win they will play Seattle in Seattle (courtesy of Seattle's piss-easy division) but would struggle to win there.
I'm tipping Indi to beat Seattle in the Superbowl.
Posted by: Tony.T | 15 January 2006 at 18:31
Just read that the Steelers "Team is 4-0 vs. Colts in playoffs; has more playoff wins vs. Colts than any other opponent. Steelers have outscored Colts 130-54 in those games. PIT is 7-1 (.875) in playoffs vs. AFC South teams … Including win last week at CIN, team is 12-0 on season when out-rushing opponent." Shit a brick. My tip is looking decidedly shaky.
I recommend Tony (if you don't already go there). I wish Oz MSM and leagues could produce quality analysis, stats and summaries like the yanks do.
Posted by: pat | 15 January 2006 at 19:09
American bloody football!!!!
What a bunch of puffs, with there shoulder pads, stupid names, and the fact they prostitute themselves from LA to New York, all razz-ma -tazz tat.
Its not even football, as for stats , the yanks read into things that are not really relevent but they try to convince themselves they are.
And yes I am in a bad mood as my team lost in a real football match yesterday, and worse still it was to the twats down the road, I had to endure the usual shit of having coins thrown at me, then munich chants, then a shit ref, then a team effort ( well it was not that much effort as I put more into having a wank)
Posted by: Vaughny | 15 January 2006 at 21:55
he he Vaughny - if an NFLer rolled around on the ground clutching his shin and howling in feigned pain he would be dragged from the ground and never be allowed to play again (if not lynched).
The pads etc aren't just protection - they are a weapon. These guys are big, and I mean fucking big, they are fast, ie. very fucking fast, they hit hard, jump high on the run after running a complicated play, they pound each other just to make 1 yard.
Each position is rated with an IQ benchmark that needs to be met for the teams to take you on. No room for a stupid ponce like Beckham - this game is for men. Smart, big and fast men. I don't believe a pom has ever made it into the NFL. Nuff said.
Posted by: pat | 15 January 2006 at 22:25
Is Ben Graham getting a contract really as big a deal as they're making out here in Australia?
I also understand that Darren Bennett's finally given it away. Bloody amazing. He was in our original Eagles squad in 1987, and must be 79 years old or something.
Posted by: carneagles | 15 January 2006 at 23:14
Always bemused that people can watch American football.
Posted by: Scott Wickstein | 16 January 2006 at 08:18
There's about 8 or 9 of the fucking Common Games info channels. Completely buggers up your channel surfing. Most anticipated event - the closing ceremony.
Colts v Steelers - game bizarro.
Posted by: RT | 16 January 2006 at 10:33
Pittsburg should have won comfortably, and would have had Polamalu's interception not been over-ruled. Seemed to me it was a straightforward pick. Then the Colts should have at least tied it after Bettis' fumble. Welcome to the Scott Norwood club, Mike Vanderjagt. He hit that kick beautifully, pity he aimed it in the wrong direction.
But like I predicted - defence wins the big games. Err ... forget I tipped Indi.
Darren Bennett had retired but The Vikings lost their starting punter so they pulled him out of retirement. Dunno if he got much game time.
Vaughny - go the Berties!
Posted by: Tony.T | 16 January 2006 at 11:54
Once again my perfect Mozz tipping record for the 2005 football season continues - I'm currently 2-0 going for 3-0.
Colts are gone, as is my pride.
NFC Championship: Panthers vs Seahawks
AFC Championship: Broncos vs Steelers
With defense as the metric du jour:
Panthers flog Seahawks
Steelers flog Broncos
Superbowl sees 2 and 6 in defense and 1 and 2 in offense fight it out in what should be a cracker. My fatal mozz like eye sees the Panthers in a close one.
Posted by: pat | 16 January 2006 at 12:17
I'll back the two defensive units.
Posted by: Tony.T | 16 January 2006 at 14:14