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To be fair, Tony, they did use it on Glenn McGrath in the end of season one-day domestic match between NSW & Victoria earlier this year. They showed McGrath's beautiful bowling action, and Richie explicitly highlighted the fact that McGrath's arm went into it's straight cocked position early and remained there throughout the delivery. Strangely, though, they didn't use the camera on the bowler at the other end, Brett Lee. I wonder why.

Damn it all, Clem. You dog! You rumbled my subtly hidden point. I thought I had camouflaged it to the point of invisibility.

I guess not.

Cheat cam?

Really! Mr Z! That wasn't my drift, at all.

Wait a tick, yes it was. But more rhymes please.

or,or,or,or ...


I think I have issues.


I must say that doesn't exactly roll off the tongue. You may have issues selling it to a marketing firm.

Ok, rhyming then ...

How about the "Chucker Pickeruperer"


Got it:

Super Slow Throw

Actually, I was closer to Super Throw Mo, but it doesn't matter. The point there for all to see.

so Tones - You going to the Corner on wed to see Specials?

Hayden. Kandy. LBW.

1st ball after tea- Ponting gone. Loops up one that got 'big' on him. 2 for 73. Should have hooked the bloody thing. Bell took a superb catch at short leg but Haydos is starting to shake of his bad form and could score a big one.

Another thing,if Katich is a bowler then i am a Chinaman.

Jeez- Fucking Bowden interprets Giles 'prodigous' turn to adjudge Haydos LBW !! A Shocker of course ! I am going to have nightmares about Billies crooked finger.

113-4, worried yet ?

Yes. And I'm recommending the camera technique be named after it's best feature. 'Wonkyball Vision'

No. I am not even worried at 7-210 mate. Shane's still in there taking the fight to the Poms. You've just GOT to admire the blokes balls eh ? Not his magic balls in this instance, but his spunk and his fight for the cause. His lingering ambition is to register a Test Match Ton and who would bet against him in this series. Bloody Good Cricket though.

On another note Tony- what about Russell Robertson ? Played like a God in an amazing performance (he says grudgingly) and one of your best displays under your current incumbent (coach!) Where was this desire and committment earlier and is this a late surge or a flash in the dunny ? We need SOME competition you know.

Finally, a win to the Dees! Sad thing is, I have been so obsessed with the Ashes that I didn't even check the scores via pocketnews while I sitting next to my wife at the musical version of "Dirty Dancing". Shame on me, well done to the Dees!

Greigwatch: Geoff Boycott told Greigy off for being a 'dozy twit' during the current test, during an out-of-nowhere discussion of the Lancashire/Yorkshire rivalry. Boycs then said something uncomplimentary about the consistency of Greigy's brain. I don't think Channel 4 have put them on together on since.

Greig also called Vaughan 'Atherton' during a comment on a replay today: Athers, who was next to him, had to gently remind the old chap what was going on.

The world would be a far, far happier place if both Boycott the knowall smartarse and Greig the up himself bigtime bozo were banished from the broadcast spectrum permanently.

Thank God for the ABC cricket broadcast.

I've just found out that Warney wears tailor made trousers when playing. Paid for by himself and flared no less.
Worra fucking poof, no wonder your teams fucked.
(hysterical laugter)

The Mighty Warne is many things, but a 'fucking poof' he is not, or so the tabloids would have me believe.

I did notice his trousers today, as he has a handy pouch in the hemline for storing his gum.

Ed, we had an English journo on the radio this morning Someone Leahey (Sp? pronounced Lay) saying as how the English cricket fans love Warne and puzzling as to why so many people in Aust hate him.

Thank you, CG. Your invaluable input has been noted.

Ooooh, you lucky swines, just a few minutes less rain and it would be 2-1 to England, well done Ponting, we were begining to think that the only batsman you had sent over was Shane Warne!

Au contraire, Mike, the day lost ... ahem ... saved England. Lee and McGrath were looking mighty ominous.

Brett Lee is the new saviour of Aussie Cricket.


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