--Caps please, Bailz. TT.--
There is definately something wrong here. It is possible to post longer articles but only if you don't use any HTML markers in it.
I've upgraded to MT2.65 and that hasn't seemed to do anything. Will investigate further.
[5:38pm] I have to wait until the server admin comes online tonight to ask him if there's anything that's been changed on the box. If he comes online that is, after all, it is the Christmas period. For now, I recommend footnoting your posts.
I thought Pithy had taken over.
You could always do a scott and go back to blogspot. The templates are pretty tempting.
Posted by: boynton | 29 December 2003 at 15:03
I usually throw tantrums, Bailz. And drink containers and cutlery.
Snap out of it, B. This is the best template in Blogdom. And that Pithy's a peanut! Whoever he is.
Posted by: Tony.T | 29 December 2003 at 15:24