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What a depository of curiosities you are - I haven't heard "post-prandial" for years ... I mostly used it with "nap"!

"depository of curiosities" - like it, Os. I might just have to dine out on that. Skillfully dodging gags about suppositories, of course.

I is pleasantly amazed! Thank!!! I wish you health!

[Edited by TT.]

I remember Greg Ritchie's giveaway CD "I'll be cooking you a curry while I'll be telling you a story" (or words to that effect) -- it was a promotional thing for some packet mix.
I am about 99.4% sure that he was spelling his name Mahatma Cote at the time -- perhaps a pedantic observation -- does anyone still have this collector's item?

I've never heard of the CD, prof, nor can I find any reference to it down at my internet, which is probably for the best. Let sleeping talentless, unfunny dogs lie, and all that.

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