Today's Herald Sun Poll....
Would you pay $200 to see your rock heroes in concert next summer?
Well, for a start, I did. At the Tennis Centre. Last summer, I paid $350 to watch the Rolling Stones. And believe me! I'm a big fan. Big.
Sadly, I knew we were in trouble when they opened up with perennial hairdresser favourite Start Me Up. They then proceded to prance around like tits, clapping their hands, waving their arms and spending two minutes changing clothes between each song. All to the accompaniment of one of the worst sound mixes in living memory.
Like I say, I love the Stones. Still do. Not so the Eagles, U2, (The second) Fleetwood Mac, Madonna and Christina Aguilera. All of whom will have songs backtracking TV ads before the decade's out. Although I do like David Bowie, I wouldn't go and see him for the same reason the Stones were rubbish. A fifty five year old bloke traipsing round the stage like an idiot trying to cash an extremely generous pension cheque.
So, do I want to get comprehensively ripped off? Is Nui Te Koha a pathetic music industry shill?
UPDATE: Don't get the Foofighters. At All! Their JJJ cred snuck up on me. Suddenly they're superstars?!? How?!? Why?!? What the hell have they done? Was it a case of taking a ride on the dubious legend of a whiny dead smackfreak? Good press agent? That'd explain their appearance on Roy & HG's Ice Dream. And all the Aussie "What's In" outlets. The Age EG, the SMH What's On (Or whatever), Beat. You know, all the trendoid blats. Enough. They ain't no musical wunderkinder. They're boring and remind me of the Lemonheads. Nuff said.
Have you heard the Ringo Starr tribute to George Harrison on RingoRama? Brilliant. Certainly lifted the nose above the snare drum in my estimation.
Posted by: slatts | 18 June 2003 at 12:02
I also have paid big money to see the Stones. I'd do it again, too. They may be getting on but there is nothing like seeing them live. The next best thing on CD is "Get Yer Ya Yas Out" or on DVD "Bridges to Babylon".
I've been extremely fortunate to see artists like the Stones, Beachboys, David Bowie, Bob Marley & the Wailers....whose music will continue to get airtime for decades.
Foofighters? Who?
Posted by: Scarlet | 18 June 2003 at 15:01
Foo Fighters were OK until the fourth album came out. What I've heard of that has been uninspired at best in comparison with some of the older stuff.
Posted by: James Russell | 18 June 2003 at 15:05
I too saw the Stones and thought for a bunch of old farts, they rocked. I was under the impression that anyone leaving the tennis center unsatisfied was very hard to please indeed. My wife was one such person. I see she was not alone in her critisim.
A Paddy tip for you......Deep Purple later this year or early next.
Posted by: Patrick | 18 June 2003 at 15:07
I saw the R.S.s at Kooyong (a proper tennis court!) way back when the Colt was just a glint in old Ming's eye. As I recollect Madder Lake was there with their 12 Pound Toothbrush as the support act.
Dunno how much it cost but I remember having a few mirrors and beads left over for a bottle of Stone's (no relation) Green Ginger Wine, the preferred tipple of the 60s lefty. (Lady comrades, a plate and a bottle of Marsala.)
Revisiting one's youth is fraught with danger and disappointment. The last time I saw one of my heroes (Bobby Dylan) live (I think live, there was neither much colour nor movement) was at the Palais ... execrable! Hate it when your heroes end up with feet ... nay ... Zimmer frames of clay.
Fortunately I have my collection of bootleg wax cylinders to remind me of those bygone seasons of mist opportunities and mellow fruitlessness.
Posted by: Sedgwick | 18 June 2003 at 16:20
Would have been worth your money if they'd done something off Dirty Work
Posted by: Adam | 18 June 2003 at 17:53
Ive paid megabucks for U2. And I will again. But I want to have Larry Mullen Jr's love children, so you know, a woman will do what she has to do.
Posted by: Caz | 18 June 2003 at 20:03
Sadly the most recent FF album is the only one I have bought, duh, mistake, very dull. If you do like middle of the road rock, try the last Feeder album, it is pretty good.
I would pay $200 Aussie dollars (about 75p if I remember correctly, and such garish colours!) to see Marillion, but only with Fish, not the little camp singer.
Posted by: Mike | 19 June 2003 at 07:39
Mike, I agree. Other than "Brave" Marillion have waddled off into mediocrity. Their last few albums have been, how shall I put it.....shitfull.
I would dearly love to see the big Fish front man again. His last album was not to hot either. "The little camp singer" as you call him, is for the most part annoying.
Posted by: Patrick | 19 June 2003 at 11:50
Seems like everyone is saving their pennies for the next geriatrics in spandex concert ... less than 150 wasted their hard earned on phoning the survey hotline. I assume those who phoned in to indicate that they were willing to part with an arm and a leg were branch stackers from Ticketek.
Posted by: Sedgwick | 19 June 2003 at 21:38
Whaddaya know? I spend a day or so hard at it and when I'm back on the blog it's full of all this worthwhile stuff.
Haven't heard it Slatts. But I will. He's under-rated is Ringo. Check out his album Ringo or his Beatles break-up song Back In 1970. Brilliant. Then the booze got him.
I won't be dashing out to see them again soon Scarlo, unless they play a club and get off the best-offs. Ya Ya's rocks though. Super album.
Don't think they even registered on my radar until about album three James. By then they showed me nothing special. They always struck me as a pretty one dimensional outfit.
I'll be going to Deep Purple Patrick. I saw them in '99. Enjoyed them more than the Stones. Which is one thing I never thought I'd hear myself say.
Posted by: Tony.T | 20 June 2003 at 01:50
Six bucks was the ticket price for the Stones at Kooyong Sedge. I know that not because I was there, but because I read it in the papers when they were here in Feb. I was too young for them even to register in '73. I didn't get a hold of them until Some Girls in '78. A great band on record but I've no interest in seeing them other than for anthropological reasons. And yes, Madder Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na etc, did support them.
They played a couple of latter day songs Adam, I can't remember which though. They were lame. I went for beer at that point.
A stark admission Caz. To be honest, I don't even know what Laz looks like. Didn't know he was hot. Didn't know any of them were hot. I though people liked them because they'd saved the world on numerous occasions.
Posted by: Tony.T | 20 June 2003 at 01:56
Mike. I am categorically NOT middle of the road! Although, and I include you here too Patrick, I've never heard of Marillion, Fish or the little camp singer. I'd pay $200 to see Arthur Lee & Love again. Best concert I've ever been to.
C'mon Sedge, you don't think promoters would stoop to dodgy tricks. Salting the audience, buying up tickets or records etc. Surely a thing of the past. Cough.
Posted by: Tony.T | 20 June 2003 at 02:03
Tony, you could do a whole lot worse than to go out and buy Marillion's "Misplaced Choldhood", or "Clutching at Straws" cd's.
I too was at Purple in 99. They are a fantastic band. Not in the same "Get up an boogie" leage as the Stones. I always thought of them as a "sit back and be enthralled" type of band.
Posted by: Patrick | 20 June 2003 at 02:52
Oh god what an embarassing typo to make in the presence of a teacher. That is of course, "Childhood". I'm not sure what a "Choldhood" is, but I'm pretty sure I haven't misplaced one....
Posted by: Patrick | 20 June 2003 at 02:54
You've spent a day or so hard at what?
Posted by: Caz | 20 June 2003 at 07:55
I realised what you meant Patrick. Don't worry, we don't mark spelling here. You shouldn't have said anything and I would have thought you were making some kind of oblique reference to the "leage" of people who pronounce it "Choowdren". The Stones didn't make me get up and boogie, they made me get down the stairs and drink. I might see if I can listen to Marillion. If I don't like them, there'll be trouble.
Caz, that indefinable "it" that shapes the minds of the future leaders of this nation. Or turns them into garbo's.
Posted by: Tony.T | 20 June 2003 at 09:06
Oh pretending to teach the kiddies. I'm with you now.
Posted by: Caz | 20 June 2003 at 17:34
Pretending? Intending? Not actually educating.
Just as long as I never see the little hell monsters in the street.
Posted by: Tony.T | 20 June 2003 at 17:53
I like the foo fighters.
Posted by: bailz | 20 June 2003 at 21:38
You THINK you do, Bailz.
Posted by: Tony.T | 21 June 2003 at 10:42