I'll put it down to all the hard work. I've been flat out since Wednesday arvo and I was seeing things. Visions from my past, spectres from my mis-spent youth. That must be it. It had to be. I was back in the 90's. How so? I just turned round to look at the telly. The telly I'd left on with the sound off and there, on the S'Siddey Footy Show, staring back at me from under an evenly smeared veneer of brown face paint was the fat fuckin' phiz of Greg Ritchie. Amazingly the Fat Cat was dressed in a sheet and doing his Mahatma Coat shtick. Fuck me! Enough! I'm to bed.
Sorry, Tony, much as you'd like to be able to dismiss that as a hallucination... it wasn't. The people to blame for the Sydney version of the Footy Show have evidently decided the previous fuss about Mahatma Coat being an unfunny racist stereotype was sufficiently long ago for the stereotype to be revived...
Posted by: James Russell | 20 June 2003 at 15:58
"unfunny racist stereotype"
That about covers it James. I'm not against taking the piss, no matter what the target, but my one stipulation is that it's funny. Mahatma ain't funny.
Posted by: Tony.T | 20 June 2003 at 18:05
Yeah, I'd much rather pick on wops dagos and powerpoints.
Posted by: Caz | 20 June 2003 at 18:56
Wouldn't we all?
Posted by: Adam | 21 June 2003 at 22:34
Not me. As a teacher, I treat everyone equal. Especially equal are minority groups.
Posted by: Tony.T | 23 June 2003 at 14:18
Oh gimme a break with the political correct thou-shall-not-offend-anyone crap! I'm for offending EVERYONE
Posted by: SmartAlex | 25 September 2005 at 03:27