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On various rampages through Parliament House when I was a trusted employee there I witnessed:

a) Bob Brown purchasing a banana
b) Laurie Oakes purchasing pumpkin soup and
c) Natasha Stott Despoja drinking lattes on numerous occasions.

The fun never stops in the coridoors of power I can assure you. THey also made me sign a stat dec saying I wouldn't leak any state secrets. I worked in the gift shop! Thats about as exciting as any info I ever came accross. Weird.

Caz, you didn't say whether Laurie was purchasing by the bucket, barrel or vat....

By the styrofoam cup Scarlet

A styro cup? Where's the crockery? I thought the nation's leaders ate in a dining room, not a lowly canteen.

Laurie Oakes is one of the nations leaders?

Yes there's a dining room up there, funnily enough called the Members Dining room. There's a povo staff canteen for everyone else and a coffee shop called "Aussies" where MPs and plebs alike flock for some coffee and snacks. The above incidents all took place at Aussies.

Caz, in the fine tradition of the "Members Dining Room", how come "Aussies" isn't called "Povo's Staff Canteen"?

Because Aussies and the Staff Canteen are two different things. Get with the program. Jeez.

Oh yeaaahh. I see. Now where's that program. Does the povo staff canteen have a name? I see an opportunity.

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