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angle grinder man...you are a total legend. keep up the kicking ass. good work, truly good work. legend

Angle grinder man, we love you!!!! A total hero in this mindless, profit led society. When the cops get you i will become 'Dynamite Man' and set YOU free :)

Angle Grinder Man, My hero, Not only do I want you, but I want to be you, I'll be your Lois Lane any day of the week

Victory is possible.

have they shut down anglegrinderman's website ? i have told all my friends about it and now today wednesday 17/9/03 i can't access it, or maybe it's taking too many hits and crashed?

does anyone know?

anglegrinderman you are THE MAN

saw you on the box this morning dude. my guess is youll be a cult hero tommorow. i bet we will be able to buy action figures by christmas.keep it up.FANTASTIC

Read about Angle-Grinder Man here in Colorado, home of the Denver boot. Finally a superhero we can all use!

hi everyone,
do anyone know something about anle-grinder man web page? Im very interested in, but i cannot acces this page www.angelgrinderman.co.uk.

thanks very much.

Site's down, has been for ages. Had to cut & run.

he's coming back soon - i've been working with him on his new site - demo is on www.grinderman.co.uk

the legend is coming back bigger and better than ever before.

And finally I have have had the pleasure of meeting with the man himself - he is a superhero. he does'nt walk - he levitates. . . sooooo cooool.


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